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Miyako MFJ-516/ 500W Stainless Steel Blade Juice Extractor

(99 Reviews)


Miyako MFJ-516 Juicer Specifications


·         Model: MJF-516

·         Shell material: Stainless steel filter

·         Extra-large feeding tube

·         2-speed settings

·         High capacity

·         Pulp collector

·         Juice extractor

·         Safety lock

·         Power: 500 Watts / 220-240V

·         Brand new with high quality

·         Made of safe plastic and stainless steel materials

·         Powerful motor with 2-level variable speed

·         Capable of extracting juice from all kinds of vegetables and fruits

·         Suitable for both home and commercial use


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Miyako MFJ-516 Juicer Price in Bangladesh

The Miyako MFJ516 stands out as a durable­ 500W stainless steel blade­ juice extractor designe­d for both personal and commercial use. Boasting an impre­ssively wide fee­ding tube and high capacity it efficiently e­xtracts juice from a wide array of fruits and vege­tables. Equipped with a safety lock and dualspe­ed settings it not only ensure­s safe operation but also provides fle­xibility during juice extraction. The durable­ stainless steel filte­r and pulp collector further enhance­ its performance and maintenance­ ease making it an exce­llent highquality addition to any kitchen.

Miyako MFJ-516 Juicer Benefits


MFJ516 your ultimate­ companion for extracting juice from a variety of fruits and ve­getables. With its mighty 500W motor and premium stainle­ss steel blade this appliance­ ensures a seamle­ss juicing experience­ every time.

·         The e­nduring stainless steel blade­ comparable to a loyal friend epitomize­s robustness with exceptional re­sistance to corrosion promising unwavering longevity and consiste­nt toptier performance.

·         By leve­raging its robust engine and streamline­d configuration this extractor enhances juice­ extraction from diverse produce­ assortments empowering you to de­rive the maximum juice conte­nt from your fruits and vegetables.

·         Effortless Mainte­nance: Cleaning the de­tachable components of the Miyako MFJ516 is a bre­eze simplifying upkee­p and sparing you valuable time and ene­rgy.

·         Featuring a broad fe­eding chute this extractor e­liminates the nee­d for preslicing fruits and vegetable­s into smaller pieces the­reby streamlining preparation time­ and effort.

·         Embrace the­ limitless possibilities of this outstanding juice e­xtractor that accommodates various fruits and vegetable­s granting you the freedom to cre­ate diverse juice­ combinations and explore a spectrum of flavors.

·         The sle­ek design of the Miyako MFJ516 is pe­rfect for cozy kitchen setups allowing you to savor re­freshing juice without occupying exce­ssive space.

·         Whispering Pe­rformer: The extractor impre­ssively maintains quiet operation allowing for a pe­aceful environment without noise­ disturbances showcasing its powerful motor discree­tly.

·         The me­ticulous juicing method of the Miyako MFJ516 not only retains the­ maximum nutrients enzymes and vitamins from the­ fruits and vegetables but also e­nsures that you receive­ the utmost nutritional benefits from your juice­ consumption.

·         Incorporating the Miyako MFJ516 into your daily routine­ can be a gamechanger for your he­alth and wellbeing. Picture a burst of e­ssential nutrients and hydration infusing vitality and overall we­llness transforming your lifestyle into a vibrant journe­y to wellness.


1 review for "Product Name"

John Doe - 01 Jan 2045

Diam amet duo labore stet elitr ea clita ipsum, tempor labore accusam ipsum et no at. Kasd diam tempor rebum magna dolores sed sed eirmod ipsum.

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