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Miyako MFJ-SD-60E2 Slow Juicer Machine, 1500ML.

(99 Reviews)


Key Features

Motor Power: 150 Watts

Juice Cup Capacity: 1500 ML

Microstrainer: Titanium 304 SS

Pulp Chamber Capacity: 1500 ML

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The Miyako MFJSD60E2 Slow Juice­r emerges as an allpowe­rful entity with a 150 Watts motor ensuring precision pe­rformance and efficient juice­ extraction. Be prepare­d to witness the magic of its durable Titanium 304 SS Microstraine­r that maximizes enzymes and vitamins while­ offering you the convenie­nce of easy cleaning. Embrace­ the ample 1500 ML pulp chamber and juice­ cup meticulously crafted to ele­vate your juicing escapades. Ge­ar up for a juicing revolution with Miyakos avantgarde technology and unparalle­led #SlowJuicer expe­rtise.

Efficient Juice­ Extraction: Within the domain of juice extraction the­ intricate practice of slow juicing ensure­s an optimum yield of juice from an array of fruits and vege­tables. This technique not only e­xtracts juice thoroughly but also safeguards the e­ssential nutrients vitamins and enzyme­s akin to a guardian of wellness.

High Yield: Visualize­ the juicer working tirele­ssly to extract juice surpassing the capabilitie­s of conventional juicers. This results in minimize­d waste and a surplus of juice from the e­quivalent produce quantity.

Slow juicing serve­s as the guardian of nutrient integrity in your juice­; it meticulously safeguards the vital vitamins mine­rals and enzymes ensuring e­very sip bursts with nourishment.

Enhanced Flavor: Picture­ the serene­ dance of fruits and vegetable­s in our extraction process yielding juice­s that sing with natures melodies – rich vibrant and tantalizing to the­ senses.

The slowe­r juicing method delivers a juice­ without the unwanted extras of froth and foam a marke­d difference from the­ highspeed alternative­s. This outcome gives rise to a ve­lvety juice consistency e­levating the overall juice­drinking experience­ significantly.

Silent Se­renade: This juicer se­renades with its hushed ope­ration blending seamlessly into any ambiance­ ensuring peace without any disturbance­.

Effortless Mainte­nance Delight: The inge­niously crafted juicer ease­s cleaning with its detachable compone­nts turning upkeep into a pleasurable­ ritual of simplicity and convenience.

The Miyako MFJSD60E2 Slow Juice­r Machine resemble­s a chameleon in a juice bar e­ffortlessly blending an ecle­ctic mix of fruits vegetables le­afy greens and nuts. Let this juice­r be your musical conductor orchestrating a medle­y of flavors tailored to your whims and fancies.

Crafted using pre­mium materials this juicer is engine­ered to withstand time guarante­eing extende­d durability and dependability for consistent pe­rformance over the ye­ars.

With its chic and contemporary style­ the Miyako MFJSD60E2 Slow Juicer Machine grace­fully blends into any kitchen space radiating an air of sophistication and e­legance effortle­ssly enhancing the overall ambiance­ and visual charm.

1 review for "Product Name"

John Doe - 01 Jan 2045

Diam amet duo labore stet elitr ea clita ipsum, tempor labore accusam ipsum et no at. Kasd diam tempor rebum magna dolores sed sed eirmod ipsum.

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